Monday, 29 March 2010

Toledo, Lisbon, and a little Barcelona

I've been a busy gentleman since the last post. Last we spoke I was in Madrid. On my last day there I took a day trip to Toledo, which is this nice really old area maybe an hour away. It was cool. I'm not sure if I fully appreciated the beauty of the area, but I tried. Toledo is also known for it's Marzipan, which was indeed fully appreciated. That was good.

The second set of pics are from Lisbon, Portugal. Had way too much fun, which probably accounts for the late posting. Lisbon was a fantastic place. The architecture was great, the locals were great, the food, the beach, the hostel, all great. Cannot wait to go back one day.

I am now writing from Barcelona. Longest train ride ever to get here. So tired, but I'll sleep when I'm old.

And the slide show starts....


The main castle

Have to walk up a bunch of stairs and across a bridge. This is the view from the bridge.
Who's got two thumbs and likes to party?

Not this guy

Lisbon. This is one of the cooler churches. The tram system in Lisbon is somewhat infamous, and this one in particular is tram 28, one of the more famous of the infamous. It takes you all around the seven hills of Lisbon.
I liked this, some guys sitting around a fountain shooting the shit.
Kids playing soccer in front of a church
Really love this pic. You should see it really blown up.
Lots of chestnut stands around
This is how they guard their military buildings.
Very cool church. Fell victim to fires, but decided not to rebuild, that they liked it just the way it is.

Wine tasting. Porto is from a place in Portugal of the same name. It's a very sweet after-dinner drink, almost like Sherry.
Friends I made in Lisbon. Making dinner before we go out for the night.
My last day there was a trip to the beach. It's maybe a 45 minute train ride to the good ones.

More soccer.
And for the most part, so ended Lisbon.


Thennnnn, I got on the train and headed to Barcelona, which, again, is where I am now.
Haven't been here long, but here goes:

People from the hostel

Museum of Art. Closed on Sundays. This picture was taken on Sunday :(

Walked up there any way.
Bullfights happen here.
Annnnnnnd that takes you right up to yesterday. Today, I went on a tandem bike ride with someone from the hostel. Another dream fulfilled. But those pictures still live on the camera, and will do so until the next post. Something to look forward to, no?

I'm in Barcelona tonight and tomorrow night. Meeting up with a new friend in Venice on the 4th, and haven't quite decided what to do from Barcelona to Venice. Was thinking Switzerland, but I'm told it's quite expensive there, so I think I'll be heading back to France. Somewhere South, so I don't have to train forever again. I need to figure that out soon, and when I do, you will too.

Until then...


Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Made it to Portugal. Am exhausted. Will nap the remainder of the day and go out tonight. But not until I nap:)

Monday, 22 March 2010


Good news! The expensive ticket-it's not expensive. The lady in France sold it to me without using the Eurail pass. So I returned it, and got the same ticket for 6 euros. Yay!

I'm in Madrid. Have been here since Saturday, and will leave to Lisbon tomorrow night. I think Barcelona after that.

I met this really cool old guy in the hostel last night. He's a German guy named Reinheart, which is already an awesome name. He's 68, and has spent the last seven years of his life just traveling; Australia, Jamaica, Asia, the Americas, Europe, freaking everywhere. And he just walks around. He has a place in Germany, he said he's there every 10 or 11 months, and then after two weeks, he just always gets the bug to go again. Guy's awesome.

How I got from Paris to Irun, which it turns out is in Spain, not France
My bed was the middle left (bottom-middle?)

Spain has so much pretty countryside. Glare prevented me from getting too many pics though

This is the train station in Irun.

Made it to Madrid. Not too many sights, but the ones that are here are good
This is a 2200 year old Egyptian temple that the Egyptians gifted to Spain in the 60's. It was taken here brick by brick.
Plaza Mayor of Madrid. Glass of wine+book=another awesome reading spott
Next night. Tapas. Snails...
are good!!Some handsome guy
This was really cool. Very modern market with lots of people. Was a wine area, bread area, cheese, meat, veggies, etc. You go around, get some tapas and wine, and hang out there.Freaky giant shrimp with claws. What are these?!
These are from the Prado, arguably Spain's most important Museum. I was here maybe nine years ago. I saw this first painting then, and it's always stuck with me. It's Goya's Saturno. Eating a baby. Dunno why.
Got these two others. Also Goya.And then was informed quite loudly that you're not aloud to take pictures here. Loudly because A, I continue to not be able to speak Spanish, and B, my iPod was doing it's thing


This is the worst.
We have exactly zero Dunkin's in California, but Madrid has at least one. Madrid. PsshhJust missed himLaker people know who this is. He works for a bank here.The food here has been nothing short of spectacular.The museum of ham. Heh.
And that's gonna wrap up the first part of Madrid. Hope all are safe and sound in the States. or wherever you lay your head at night.
